Hello everyone,

Now that autumn is a few weeks away (basically, it'll be here before we know it) I think it's only fair to do a recap of my favorite summer looks this year. They were bright, they were memorable, they were FUN. Each one left its footprint as it marked growth in my personal style, a clear vision of the creativity that's to come and hopefully the inspiration to dress as your own boss and express yourself to the FULLEST no matter what!!!

If you're a new reader to the blog, a lot of these outfits will be new to you. I hope you soak up the inspiration for the next summer and become part of the family. 
If you're a weekly reader to the blog, I'm forever grateful for taking the time to connect with me. We've become true friends even if miles separate us. The love for fashion, beauty and sharing our journeys unite us.  



This is one of the first looks with which summer began. It felt so good being back in a dress from all the layering in the windy winter nights. Okay, maybe it sounds a bit too much to describe Vegas as that cold, but this city definitely has it's surprise days. 

The florals felt just right for the spring/summer and turns out this dress saw a lot of sunshine, or should I say, disco lights, as I wore it multiple times for fun nights out. Ohhh the GOOD times! 

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This outfit, in particular the red skirt, started my love for wearing red this summer. Warning: be prepared because you'll see lots of looks with this hue as you read further. I completely lost it... hahaha It was red this, red that.... RED everywhere!!! 

It got to the point when one day my sister said enough with the red. Wear something in another color. I thought okay, I'll trick her...will change it up for a bit and then return to it like it never happened!

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This is hands down my favorite outfit of the summer. The stars aligned as I got this sheer red stars blouse, my denim skirt, and I fell in love with the return of fanny packs and got the desert (cactus) as my loyal props.

I just felt it click together because my creativity rocketed and the results gave me the inspiration to keep evolving in my style. I thought... okay summer, here we go!!!

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Denim shorts are a summer staple, but this time I wanted to come up with something more - creating an outfit that is far from boring. I wanted it to look trendy, chic and your daily,  "I just threw something on and it turned out fabulous!" 

I think the accessories, especially the basket bag, gave it life because this summer we were all full of baskets LOL! So trendy and I just couldn't image summer without one! 

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This set got lots of love from you... maybe because it's red? It was one of the most viewed posts, so thank you so much for that!!!

I loved wearing it and even changing it up by styling these two pieces separately with other wardrobe favorites of mine. It worked in my favor as I was able to let my imagination run free. Plus; take note: this summer the cat-eye sunglasses made every look a fierce one!!!  

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You know summer without stripes isn't summer at all! I just love the way vertical stripes elongate you and give you the urge to imagine yourself on a boat in a nautical style even though you're at home typing away on the computer. 

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This summer I decided to play with two "most current" prints in one outfit. The strong gingham that can be seen from miles away and the tiny polka dots that are too cute not to notice. So this is what I came up with! A street style that is comfy and chic!

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I promise, I'm not behind bars (hahaha)... I'm just rocking an all red look with white accessories. I told you, I couldn't get away from red that easily. It accompanied me throughout the whole summer. This outfit turned out how I imagined and it has the power to give the kind of confidence we want to shine within us.   

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Ending this recap with my final outfit. One that is super easy to wear because it involves a loose crop tee and another (in fact two) gingham staples. Again making the most out of the current trends while still being true to what I love wearing. That has been skirts all summer long! I swear, I think I've worn dresses, maybe five times at the most... the rest, it was skirt after skirt after skirt. I'm wondering what next summer will be my go to piece?!  

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~ I get commission from purchases or clicks made through the links in this post. 
~ Photography: @artisticspring 
~ Follow Me:  IG: @fashionradi      Twitter: @fashionradi    Pinterest: FashionRadi

Your turn... share what's your top favorite summer look from this list? And how many of you are excited for fall fashion? 

                                                                                                                                    Love, Radi       


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