
Showing posts with the label fashion mood board


Hello everyone, Red, being my most worn and favorite color this season, even my thoughts have turned red hahaha ( I don't know what that really means), but I'm most definitely obsessed with wearing this hue. It's the kind of color that immediately catches your attention just the way the bull is drawn to the vivid red cape in a bullfight. It's FASCINATING, POWERFUL, making a woman feel confident enough to reach for the sky and even higher. If you're lacking red pieces in your closet, believe me, start stacking them one by one! 😂 It might not change your outlook on life, but it'll give you the courage to step into the light!!!  I believe the colors we choose to wear can for sure influence our mood or portray what we're already feeling inside. There aren't any bad colors, it's just that I think our subconsciousness has a funny way of picking what color to wear on a certain day. Have you thought about that? What color do you reach for when feeling excit...