
Showing posts with the label valentines date


Hello everyone,  Are there any fulfilled hearts of LOVE reading this post? I may be single, but my heart beats from the love I have for life, the people around me, this blog that puts a smile on my face every time I create something new, I read a sweet comment or get to interact with you, no matter the distance... So many heartwarming feelings that I fully appreciate and notice, no matter the expectation of having a boyfriend especially on Valentine's Day.    What I'm trying to say is that love exists in ALL forms and shapes . You can fall in love with the sun that warmly touches your skin each morning. You can fall in love with your city that has given you a happy home and thousands of possibilities. You don't have to wait for your soulmate, to feel an everlasting love. You can create your own love story everyday! What are some of your main love characters?          I find Valentine's day can be a great way to do whatever you love the most....