
Showing posts with the label Delirium Tour


Hello everyone, Does the name Ellie Goulding sound familiar?  I bet it does, but what I'm more curious to know is which song of hers is your favorite? So many amazing hits to choose from, but if you want to know mine, they are " Something in the Way you Move " and " On My Mind " .  One amazin g artist with an in credible voice and may I add, awesome dance move s, that I was lucky enough to see live in concert at the beginning of last month. This of course in s pired me to re - create one of her many looks that she sported that night. Every outfit Ellie Goulding wore was truly stunning and I really wish that I could re -create all of them , but as we all know that would be difficult to do since all looks are especially designed for the artist, making them unique and out of the ordinary . So I stopped upon this all black rocker, but femini ne look of hers that I really hope you enjoy , especially seeing me for the first time in a n all black ens...