Hello everyone, 

This is not Radi. I'm Daniela, Radi's sister and photographer. She invited me to write a guest blog post for you with my top 5 photography tips for beginner photographers.

I've been photographing my sister from the very first blog post she wrote. We've both grown creatively and artistically over the past two and a half years since launched. (It's going to be 3 years in 3 months!) I have compiled 5 of my best tips for beginner photographers because I was one not too long ago. I've used my experience to talk to you about what I think can help you start and grow as an artist.

I'm excited to write for you today as well as show you some of my favorite photos I've taken! I've heard only good things about you guys, so I think this would be really fun!

Before I get into the subject of photography, I thought I'd share 5 facts about me, so you can get an idea of who's behind these words.

Here we go:
1. I DIY almost anything and everything!
2. I can live off of bread and anything that has chocolate in it!
3. I love to workout!
4. Rain is my favorite type of weather - I love the sound raindrops make against the windows, I love the smell of rain, I always go out when it's raining - I love to get super wet!
5. I'm shy and closed off in social settings.

Okay, now you share one fun fact about yourself in the comments. I want to get to know you too!

And introductions are done with. Let's get to work.


1. Find what it is that you really like taking pictures of

What do you really like photographing? I can't express to you how much easier photography gets when you take pictures of things that you like taking pictures of. It's so simple! When you do what you love you can't fail!

Are you someone who likes getting close and personal with nature and her vibrant colors and beautiful textures? Are you someone who loves getting out into the city and exploring the lifestyle of its residents? Maybe you love architecture? Or you love fashion and working with people?

Whatever it is that you like to photograph, JUST DO IT! That feeling of living a moment of bliss behind the lens is really special! Do what makes you feel good on the inside because that feeling is going to inspire you to learn and further develop your skills as you progress in your photography journey, which will make that journey 100 times easier and enjoyable. Have fun!

I love photographing nature - she is so perfect. Her curves, edges, textures, colors are so inspiring. I feel like I'm meditating every time I go out into her embrace and give into the experience. Her beauty is not only a magnificent picture, but an eternal fountain of universal wisdom.

When I photograph nature it's for myself. I also love photographing food - I love making my own food and staging it all 'artistic and 5-star restaurant' like. But when I photograph my sister or any of my friends it's for them. I love looking through the lens and seeing that little adjustment I can make to accentuate my model's best features. I recently received a comment from my friend who told me that I made her feel beautiful. That's when you know what you're doing is really special. Photography is not just clicking a shutter button. Photography is emotion, excitement, inspiration.

2. Find your 'why'

Why are you doing this? What about photography makes your heart extra cheerful?

Finding why you love to do what you do really brings a whole different dimension of meaning and purpose to your life. Having a 'why' is like having a strong base for building a house; it keeps your house standing up even in the harshest weather conditions. You know that if you're having a tough day or you're experiencing creativity blocks you can overcome these setbacks because you have a reason, you have a purpose, you have something to keep you moving forward, to keep you hopeful and excited.

You can apply this principle to all areas of your life. Find a reason, a meaning and you'll always have a beam of light to guide you in the right path. Trust yourself.

Do you want to know why I photograph? Because it makes me feel like myself. I'm the one looking through the lens, choosing to capture what captures me, choosing to see things differently than what society or anyone else wants me to see. When I photograph, Daniela is Daniela - unedited, uninfluenced, free, happy.

3. Don't be too hard on yourself

When you first start photographing it can be overwhelming, especially if you're a perfectionist like me and you want to be at a professional skills level right away. All I have to say to you is don't be hard on yourself. The sooner you realize that you're learning something new and that it's going to take time to get to where you want to be, the easier it will be to move toward your goal.

Don't panic if you still don't know how to operate your camera and are feeling confused about which settings to use. Don't stress too much about using the best camera accessories like filters, lenses, tripods. As a beginner photographer focus on the very basic settings. Learn the basics first. As you start doing more photoshoots at different times of day, different locations, different themes, you'll start to develop an inner feeling for what aperture or ISO setting to use. Trust me. It's not that hard to figure out. And it's all good because you now have a 'why' which means that when you're feeling stuck or lacking motivation, you can easily overcome that road bump and be on your way again! (wink ;))

And today there's a lot of resources available to expand your knowledge on any subject you like. I personally like YouTube because it's easier for me to see how something works first. I also have photography books. You can always ask friend photographers for tips. You'll find a way if you're really serious about it. Just remember to be patient with yourself!

4. Don't buy expensive equipment just yet

As a beginner photographer I think that buying 'fancy' expensive equipment is not necessary. Focus on learning the basics. Take your time. Take it easy. Make your life simple. Invest in something more user friendly like a beginner level digital Canon or Nikon camera that's within your budget. There are so many great options out there on the market, you're going to be surprised at the quality of photography you can produce with a beginner level camera.

Can I tell you a secret? I was told once that the camera doesn't make the photo, but the photographer behind the camera. What do you see through the lens? How do you see the world? Capture that. Try different points of view. Play with composition and framing. Use your imagination. Give way to your inspiration.

You can always use editing programs like Photoshop or PicsArt to enhance and edit your photos afterwards. As you start photographing more you will also start looking into the accessories and equipment that best support your style of photography. Always make room for growth.

5. Experiment. Learn. Enjoy.

My last tip is not really a tip but a reminder.

Experiment with the different camera settings on your camera. Spend more time with your camera, go on more dates together, and soon you'll know everything about each other. Also, don't overlook mundane subjects. There is so much beauty all around, even in the places that you least expect. When you think you've seen it all, you'll realize that everything around is ever-changing if you are willing to challenge your perspective.

Learn. Be curious. Never lose that inner childish curiosity that sees the world as interesting, amusing and magical. It will show you new experiences, new colors, new views. All you have to do is be in the moment, enjoy the journey. Enjoy every moment of hardship as it will make you stronger, enjoy every moment of happiness as it will make you grateful, enjoy every moment of discovery as it will make you curious, enjoy every moment of change as it will make you grow, enjoy every moment of love as it will make you fly to wherever you want to go.

In conclusion, photography is an art of expression. Express yourself, your emotions, your challenges, your successes through the lens. Make mistakes. Learn from them. Make memories. Cherish the moment. Believe in yourself. And you'll always manifest any dream you dream!

This is what I have to say for now. I hope that you found this post helpful and engaging. Please don't hesitate to get the conversation started in the comments below - share your experiences and your thoughts. What made an impression on you?

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~ Let's chat all about photography! Find me on Instagram @artisticspring!

It was a pleasure writing for you today! Thank you for your time! 

                                                                                                                                      Be happy,



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