Hello everyone, Many of you have already experienced the falling of the first snow, which means fall is fast behind and it's officially winter . There is no real winter for me, but that did not stop me from sharing with you how to transition your style from one season to the other, in this case from fall to winter . In this post I'll give you all the tips you'll need to look stylish, yet dress appropriate to the according season without freezing or feeling like your style has hit rock bottom. Your style should never have to suffer, no matter the season . Whether it's winter or summer, wherever you are in the world, you can let your personality shine through your choice of clothing. So for those of you having trouble taking your style from fall to winter, read on because hopefully at the end you'll have a clear understanding and lots of ideas on making that fashionable transition easier for yourself. I know that for some of us that change can be a bit more difficult...